Text Samples
- We’re looking forward to seeing {clientFirstNameProperCase} today! Please tap here to get step by step directions to the waiting room [INSERT LINK]
- {clientFirstNameProperCase} thank you for scheduling an appointment today, {eventDateAtTimeShort} at our Drive Up Clinic. Attached is a map of where you should park when you arrive. Once you have arrived, please reply to this message with the parking spot number.
- Hi {clientFirstNameProperCase}, reminding you of your appointment {eventName} on {eventDateAtTimeShort} with {eventProviderName}, at {lineName}. Arrive by {eventArrivalTime}. {eventConfirmText} PARKING info: {eventMapLink} Daily parking rates: 1st hour free, $5 each hour thereafter ($15 daily maximum) Medical Records:Please remember to bring medical records and/or medication pertaining to your visit.
- {practiceName}: {clientFirstName}, your appointment for COVID-19 test collection is on {eventDateAtTimeShort} at 123 Main St, Santa Barbara, CA, 93101. Do not enter the building. Park at the front curb just before the awning. Look for orange cone and sign. Please call XXX-XXX-XXXX to let us know you have arrived. We will meet you at your car.

- Facility Management
- Patient Flow
- Patient Satisfaction
- On-Time Arrivals
Reference Customers
Most clients send out directions / parking instructions via automations prior to any appointment.
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Response Rate by Automation will only display the response rate for automations asking a patient to confirm their appointment. The report defaults to only SMS, but call and email can be added to the destination type filter to look at the overall response rate. ***This report is included in the Analytics Plus Package