Contact Card

Send new patients a contact card within an instant reminder so patients are encouraged to save the phone number within their cell phone.

Contact Card
Instant Reminder
New Patients
Patient Engagement

Text Samples

  • Hello {clientFirstNameProperCase}, this is {practiceName}, to ensure you receive our communications, please use the following link to download our contact card.
No items found.


  • Allow new patients to save your contact number with ease.
  • Increase responsiveness by patients.
  • Branding text messages to your health system.

Reference Customers

  • Vista Community Clinic


View and download helpful workflow documentation related to this use case below.


This dashboard shows the messages with links sent out via our Link Shortener and the patient’s interaction with the link (whether or not they have clicked). We show an over time look, total links sent vs. those clicked and then a granular, patient level table. ***This report is included in the Analytics Plus Package